Happy New Year! May your year be filled with vibrant ideas and inspired creations.

I am Sylvia Luna aka Silver Moon. I began my artful journey after the death of my only child Steve, who passed away suddenly on Valentine’s Day of an unknown Sudden Arrhythmia Death. Since that life changing day I have coped with grief by delving onto the creative world of mixed media art.

I consider my art a paradox; it is darkness … yet it is light. As in life; it is perfectly … imperfect. If it happened, it was meant to be.

I have been published in numerous magazines and books. I have also taught workshops and sold at various vendor events in my home state of Arizona, as well as in Oregon and Washington.

The majority of my art is signed with my Silver Moon signature, along with my known tag line, in memory of my son. ‘Ps. I love Steve!’